Useful HTML Codes That Even I Can Use!

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Useful HTML Codes That Even I Can Use!

This MIGHT help you with html codes.  I'm just learning, but I'll share what I got!

Text Background
<BR> <CENTER> <TABLE BORDER="#" CELLPADDING="4" ALIGN="Center" WIDTH="#"> <TR> <TD BGCOLOR="#XXXXXX"><FONT size="#" face="Arial, Helvetica">TEXT</FONT></TD> </TR> </TABLE>
The code above is to add a background to your text.  You can replace the # with numbers to change the width, font, or border.  The X's is a hexcode.  #XXXXXX is clear, #000000 is black and #FFFFFFF is white.  you can change the color to anything you want by changing the hexcode.

Words that move!
<marquee scrollamount="#">X An93l</marquee>

The code above is called a marquee!  It's the first code I've ever used!  It makes the words move horizontally.  Just replace X An93l with the text you want!  To change the speed, just replace # with a number between 1-50, 1 being the slowest and 50 the fastest.

X An93l

<img src="IMAGEURL">

The code above lets you put an image were your words are supposed to go.  Just replace IMAGEURL with the url of the image you want to show.  To get the url of the image you want, right click the image, click properties and it should give you the url (address/location) of the image.

</FONT></TD> </TR> </TABLE>
<body style="background-attachment: fixed; background-repeat: no-repeat;" background="IMAGEURL"
<br />
The code above is to make an image a background, BUT it won't move!  Personally, I wouldn't use this unless I had a big picture.  To use this, just replace IMAGEURL with the url of the image you want as a background.

<body style="background-attachment: fixed; background-repeat: no-repeat;" background="URL"<br/>
The code above is a code to make your wallpaper NOT move.  Just replace URL with the url of the picture you want as your wallpaper.  Just put this kind of code in your intro or something.  This code will only show ONE of your pics and not repeat them, so I wouldn't recommend you use a small pic. 

Linkin Park-Breaking the Habit

welcome... welcome... welcome... welcome... welcome... welcome... welcome... welcome...